Name : | Mr. Badal Raja |
Company Name : | RSolutions |
Address : | 2nd Floor, F2, Old No. 159, New No. 32 & 33, Vignana Nagar, |
City : | Bangalore |
State : | Karnataka |
Country : | India |
Pincode : | 560037 |
Services : | Web Services & Solutions / Enterprise & Product Solutions / Consultancy Services / IT Sourcing / E-Commerce / Database Applications / Portal Development / Learning Academy / Design Studio & Many More |
Phone/Moblie : | +91 9844018630 |
URL : | |
Contact Person : | Mr. Badal Raja |
Email : | |
Product/Service : | IT Services |
Details : |
RSolutions started off as an IT Solutions provider in Bangalore, India, in January 1999, in a modest way, and has grown steadily since then foraying into various domains like Custom Software Development, E-Commerce, Customer Relationship Management, Multimedia, Portals and Web-applications Development. RSolutions was established by Mr. Badal Raja, having a prior experience of working with Technology companies. The company was created with the objective of providing optimized and cost-effective IT solutions, and committed to putting a smile on our customers' faces. That's why our brand's mission statement reads as: Your Requirement Our Commitment. Our long-term vision is to bridge the gap between Technology capabilities and User experience. RSolutions has been increasingly working with the latest and leading-edge technologies. This has been instrumental in the company evolving from a provider of packaged solutions for SMEs, to developing solutions for high-technology companies and new market segments. Some of them being: distribution, business automation, and B2B, B2C e-Commerce. Having implemented more than 1200 projects since its inception, RSolutions is poised for growth into newer horizons and ensuring premium services to its growing list of clients. |
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